
White privilege” is sort of like “toxic masculinity” in that people make an assumption about the meaning, make absolutely no attempt to verify their assumption, and then act like it’s liberal nonsense instead of a real thing that happens in society and affects all of us.

Couple that with the fact that there’s a

OMG trying to explain what ‘white privilege’ means to my family is a fucking chore. White privilege doesn’t mean that white people don’t have to work hard for what we have, or that white people’s poverty doesn’t exist. Its that white people’s poverty is seen through a more sympathetic lens. That our hard work is

Let’s see. If she was a white author who wrote a book making a lot generalizations about the majority of POC, how many of her books would’ve been burned, then?

Ultimately, everything is political. I forget who actually said it, but the aphorism that we do not have to take an interest in politics for politics to take an interest in us is absolutely true—and it’s of vital importance to the present situation.

More importantly, Acti-Blizz (and the NBA, and South Park) took a

Which is surprising for Pat, considering how many nonwhite folks are suffering. I figured he’d be clicking his heels.,

The evangelical contingent is limbering up for this contortion.

In fairness, it’s not just Trump. We also do this after every mass shooting, every black man killed by a cop, every exposure of corporate malfeasance, etc etc ad infinitum.

It’s not like this is the first time American Assholes overplayed their hand...