
While it’s true that money can’t buy happiness, we live in a world where money can advance your position in the world.

For example, with a little amount of extra money I could afford to pay a course that will get me a better job.

Another example, if I don’t have a car there are jobs that i can’t apply for.

Made with KLWP

I recommend you the Android /iOS app called “Daily Art”. It sends you daily a famous or a non-so famous painting with a short description of the artist and an explanation of the painting.

This is how it should be done !!!!

I would like to get more of these kind of hacks. English isn’t my first language so every trick to speak better is gold for me.

A problem in the actual world is that a lot of people is not prepared to deal with the real world, mainly because during our first years our fathers and teachers try to shield us from that.
It’s real, it’s there and everyone is part of it. Let your kids know that most of the times the world is unfair. Justice is a

Great answers.

What a misleading title.

It’s speed. She could go faster than 95/hr but it’s illegal.

He admits that procrastinates a lot and prefers pizza over workout. We have a lot in common.

Most of the italian olive oil is spaniard olive oil. They buy it in bulk quantities, repack it in fancy decorated cans and mark-up the price. You will find very difficult to trace the origin of that oil.

It’s a technique with two sides. If you try to disguise your partner failures with false illusions, one day the truth will be a overwhelming punch in the face.

Songs about New York:

Authors... great.

Magnavox Oddisey for sure.

I think he still doesn’t need it. His hair isn’t doing the barcode.

I have Linux, so I’ve had Deluge, transmission and finally qBittorrent.

Pros: Integrated search, no ads, RSS downloader, download to multiple folders.

Cons: Bandwith limitation settings very limited (only 2 settings).

I have about 100 wallpapers changing randomly. This is one of them.

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