John C. Baker

He probably get shipped off to have experiments forced on him by the Emperor. 


I like of love that the movie about Gordo and Tracy starred Dennis Quaid and Meg Ryan.

In the FAMU (I think that’s the nickname on Reddit) Reagan wins in ‘76 rather than starting in ‘80, so it’s not quite as much of a stretch that a Democrat wins that year given Reagan is term limited and nearly blows up the world.

Then why the fuck would you read a recap of the first episode of season 3?

Also the name of the planet, Ni’Var, was shown on screen in holographic projects more than once in this episode.

Ugh. You don’t know that this show is set not in the Kelvin timeline, but in the same timeline as all the other television series?

Why do all the reviewers on this site hate the shows they review?

And did I miss the part where they explained how Michael’s apparently human birth mother just happens to pop up 900 or so years in the future?

Oof. Hard disagree on this one. I have my issues with Discovery, but this is easily one of the best episodes of the series for me, if only because it felt like a classic Trek episode. Who doesn’t love a good trial plot!

I don’t think it’s accurate to say that Discovery has now made the Kelvin timeline “just a dream” or non-existent. Discovery has always been said to take place in the normal TOS/TNG timeline. But the Kelvin timeline is still out there — it’s an alternate timeline.

Zack threatens to open old wounds that have long since healed, risking all-out war within the fandom by being unable to reconcile the two continuities.

am i the only one who finds it wild offensive every time someone tries to project Good Laurel onto Eeeevil Laurel? Quentin is literally trying to replace his dead daughter with her doppelganger & it’s kind of gross.

Say what you will, but Juliana Harkavy is very good at what they’re giving her. And Johann Urb is more charming than his terrible appearance in one of those Resident Evil movies.

I miss the days when Thea was, like, an actual character with arcs and fight scenes and stuff.

Dragonfire don’t melt steel beams.

To be fair the NHS made them market the pills to the UK market as Yazoo.

How the hell have you never heard of Yaz!?!? Are you a get off my lawn?