
But ARE their metabolisms slower than before? They didn’t test them before, so how would they know? The study only says they burn X amount of calories less than expected. What does that even mean? I expect people that have struggled with obesity their whole lives to have really low metabolisms.

Best thing Tavarish has ever written. Well done!

Yes. Works on my iPad, not on my iPhone. No comment section = no reason to read Jalopnik.

The original visa application that stated DOB was 1986

Exactly, which is why the test is useless. It’s not a crash test, it’s a well planned stunt.

They chose to do that alarmingly close to that building.

This is what I want to know too! This is a very important detail.

Ya. So what?

I enjoyed the light-hearted musical number that these horrific scenes were set to.

pssst, i was just making a funny

Follow up to that anecdote:

But you can upgrade at any time? What about the second owner? Do they lose this feature unless they pay Tesla again?

I had no idea that these features were on a subscription basis. I guess the tech company mentality really does dominate at Tesla. That's crazy, man. And brilliant.

By far the best piece I have ever read on any Gawker site. I cannot overstate by how far a margin, either. Nothing else comes close to this. This piece made me a regular reader of FA.

This and I’m not sure I follow the analogy anyway. Delta and United do not manufacture planes. So them working together with government entities is not the same as car manufacturers doing the same. Plus, as you pointed out, they only do it when responding to some sort of bad news.

Wow most successful Reggae song! That’s crazy. Reminded of how the first “rap song” to top the charts and the first “rap video” ever played on MTV was by Blondie. Wow.

First time this joke has worked in a long while... WELL DONE

It’s amazing how absolutely ridiculous that Concorde looks! But I never noticed at the time...

Ya each state is different.

I bought a house from my grandparents. That’s sick!