
When I drive my 2001 Civic LX, I am amazed at how much road noise there is. Would be totally unacceptable by today’s standards. But I don’t know...that car is just...FUN for some reason.

Cash for Clunkers. Strictly a program to pump taxpayer money into the auto industry, disguised as an effort to decrease pollution. Because scrapping a perfectly good working vehicle in favor of building a new one from scratch is the conservationist approach? My observation was that most of them were extra third cars

And an unpronounceable name to top it off.

I think you're dead on with that price. Ask 15, sell to the first guy that offers over 12.

I’ve had a couple 70s era Lincolns with +-100k and I can tell you that the low quality plushness is way more worn than this with that kind of miles. These were well cared for cars, but the interiors had still disintegrated to the point where there were giant bits hanging off here and there.

Goofy happy face

Ya I saw that. It makes the whole scene even more questionable.

OMG I was so excited to see original square head lighted Jeeps in Jurassic World. That alone made the movie worth seeing.

Some cars now will deploy the electric e brake if you open the door.

I have seen this in action and have even succumbed to it myself. I have learned over the years however that customers do not make up concerns about their vehicle. If they say it’s doing it, it’s doing it.

CURB FEELERS! Although I think it was always more about style than function. I for one am glad they’re gone.

You were supposed to leave them buckled? I’ve been in and out of these cars hundreds of times and never once considered that an option. FAIL

Ya, like maybe walking it at a leisurely pace in about 6 hours?

Why in the world did this just crack me up?

And if they go ahead and swap out the ol’ Star and Stripes for whatever flag they’re flying nowadays, we’ll be forced to go back. Win again!

I have seen this car in person, and I can tell you that it’s even worse in real life. I live in Lima Ohio, and having spent my life in the car business, have unfortunately been exposed to many of Bayliff’s creations. In fact we currently have one on our lot. It's not a total basket case like this one or the OP, but

Looked at headline picture, scrolled to bottom, hit crack pipe.

Ya I honestly think he could have made it if he didn’t have that winch mounted there. The approach angle is the best thing those little things have going for them, and he ruined it.

Kinda like an inverse eco-meter? GENIUS

Golf carts are street legal in many places, can’t see why these couldn’t be