
I didn’t deliberately do anything. I don’t make the decisions about what web platform we use or when we use it; people in Miami boardrooms do. I’m the person who’s trying to make the site work for you within the parameters they set for me. If I had my druthers, nothing would ever change. But that’s not how the media

I think you meant to say; “yay humanity!”

“the anonymity of the machine lets them pretend they aren’t really hurting anyone.”

But what did we ever do to them? :(

Oh I see, you’re one of those....

I’ve been here for a long time. You must be Col. Alphonse Dipshit.

And for those with no taste.

This would be a perfect time to visit your local comic shop without the fear of running into red-pill fedora-lords who want to mansplain Libertarianism to you.

That ain’t funny.

Word on the street is “hahahha....no.”

BUT there’s so much more synergy now.

Listen, until you’ve paid someone a small amount of money to manage the ten million you inherited from your grandfather in such a manner as to have a fully tax efficient and utterly unearned income you will never know the true meaning of the word “sacrifice”!

I’m really fucking tired of the rich thinking of paying taxes as a “sacrifice.”

They replaced a functioning website, with a blog.

I’m way more disappointed in the way kinja buries features and reviews than in the comment system.

How dare you. That’s offensive to seals.

If you watch that speech as an American, you had to be thinking ‘what in the world is going on?

It’s possible to be racist AND mental ill or suffering from dementia or a personality disorder.

It’s about far past time that those in the media and political science fields stopped expecting Donnie to act like a goddamn President. All he’s doing now is pandering to the bigotry that got him elected, and he cares not one fucking bit for anything else. He’s not ‘unhinged’, or crazy, or suffering from dementia or