Thank god, I thought I was one of the only people who couldn’t stand this kid.
Thank god, I thought I was one of the only people who couldn’t stand this kid.
That green S13 in the background doe.
Last time I checked, the NSX didn’t have a V8 or sound anywhere close to this...
Very good choice, but it's a Lancia. So that means it'll break when you least expect it in the most hilarious way.
Spent $5000 for this 2000 GMC Sierra Z71 with a five speed. It is so much fun in the way it makes so much noise and fuss and you barely ever get above the speed limit. It travels over everything and repairs are super simple. The best part by far is the manual. The super long throws and being able to throw it in to…
Dear Zenvo,
The only thing that this news does for me, is make me want to see this episode even more.