Well, it has happened at least once:
Well, it has happened at least once:
That means the NCNB (a long-dead bank consumed by Wachovia and then Bank of America, I think)
Drove STi for 13 years and did not get a ticket. My 18 yo son however promptly got cited for 50 in 25 (a BS ticket that cop gave him for his bad attitude but a good lesson for him).
<looks in rear view, sees light bar flashing>
I flew P-3 Orions in the US Navy and it was not uncommon for us to carry the cremated remains of veterans for burial at sea. At an appropriate point during the mission, we would depressurize and drop the ashes out of the p-chute. Embarrassingly, while there was never any disrespect, there also was rarley any ceremony…
The FAA is unlikely to issue a final mishap report that assigns the blame to “wet runway”. Southwest has a notable history of performance related mishaps during landing phase. Thankfully this time nobody was injured.
Which reminds me that most passengers who exit my plane and say “great landing” are using the wrong criteria to grade me. One might expect to hear: “Landing was so fine, so smooth. Only thing, we had to take a bus to the terminal. Why don’t they park at the gates?”
Southwest again? Remind me why does everyone loves Southwest so much? Nevermind...$$$$. Go cheap at your own risk.
Since November of ‘17 most F8X’s have been made with steel drive shafts. Guess we no why now. As I have a late ‘14 production M3, I’m curios to know what specifically changed about the method of construction that excludes mine from this recall.
AOCS gone now and all candidate officers go to OCS then when commissioned they go to AI. Also have some screening preflight training that may be contracted to FBOs if what I heard is correct.
Did AOCS in 1987. Ensignmobile was a Jetta 16V- prolly the 3rd best car I’ve ever owned and could be best if “technology inflation” were taken into account. Why? Has ample space for the frequent moves that occur with flight training prior to first sea duty and what a great car to drive- power, handling and I liked the…
Is anyone else thinking: “I would have done the same?” (Low tolerance for ineffective driving skills.)
Sadly, I just last week did this same thing to my beloved when I encountered a curb twice the height of any normal curb. Curses and more curses to shitty road builders (and my inability to see the hazard)!
The question of winter tires or not is completely moot if the summer tires on your car have ZERO use in winter and you want to drive them. For both my cars with summer tires (Michelin PSS and Bridgestone RE760s), they would never leave the garage without winter rubber in winter. It’s amazing how non-functional summer…
I’m getting good at swapping summer for winter and back again...but in my mid fifties my back is saying “fuck you” every November and April. And I’ve got eight wheels to do.
I had the opposite problem in my ‘81 Scirocco. It was lowered so much snow would fill the engine bay and cause my oil temp to drop and jamb the shift linkage in whatever gear I was in. Only fix was to stop and dig out the engine bay.
Any job where one wants to remove steel bolts used in a corrosive environment (salt belt) to fasten Aluminum to anything- a marriage that truly means “til death do we part”.
Reminds me of my experience in 1987 during weekend liberty from AOCS. We used to rent cars and stay off base in nearby hotels (anything to get away). One Saturday I woke and headed to the lot to board my Ford T-bird from Hertz. Got in drove off and got a few hundred yards when I realized it was not the car I had…
I can assure you that there was no contact (speaking as a Navy formation instructor). The wing pilot was simply “sucked” (term for being too far aft of bearing line). The separation when flying wing includes both lateral and vertical. He/She was prolly gaping at something on the ground and turned to fix his bearing.