
I could see Darrell Hammond doing the job well. Though Rosie is definitely turning the knife. It's like bringing Gennifer Flowers to the debates.

The whole idea of quoting a review over the actual subject matter is valid. One of the greatest things about the OT is how quotable it is. There are just so many great lines for all occasions for us nerds to harvest. Now I ask, where are the quotable lines in the prequels? Basically there's people who might use the

I loved LOST and quite like this show. I find it has some smaller mysteries but is a little more forthcoming with answers than LOST was at times.

She got hugged, so she's no longer miserable, she's just sexy and sassy now.

The Feds hunting down Wayne for whatever reason. Kevin Garvey basically heading down the same path as his father without recognizing it. The GR having the heat turned up on them, both by fed up people in the community as well as the threat of the feds wiping them out if asked. You can tell Jill and her mother are

I associated them because I can't think of another comedy show that integrates music as well as FotC did. But they do definitely have a similar look about them.

The Reverend was Doctor Who, so I'll allow it. Also Nora is probably why I keep coming back to the show.

The more they get into the story the more I'm really loving it. Then again I loved LOST and Jericho and this definitely fits that mold.

Flight Of The Conchords was the best. It's probably why I love Portlandia so much too now that I think of it.

I tend to agree with that. They don't feel like Hollywood teens and are closer to the small town teenage experience I had than most portrayals on TV.

The funny thing about Macklemore is that the only memorable things about his songs are the hooks sung by other people. Most of his music is built around a great vocal hook, then he fills a bunch of rubbish between choruses.

That mention gave me pause too, but then I remembered the hip hop group.

So a guy that can fill stadiums with the breadth of his career output is apparently doing it to fulfill his ego? It takes a little more than ego to fill stadium gigs.

So a guy that can fill stadiums with the breadth of his career output is apparently doing it to fulfill his ego? It takes a little more than ego to fill stadium gigs.