Replacing the steering damper has been the go-to repair since 1978. Just do it every 80k.
Replacing the steering damper has been the go-to repair since 1978. Just do it every 80k.
Volume fixes alot.
Unfortunately the grease pits can't check tie-rods, and other steering and suspension components. Nor rotate tires and do brake inspection.
My guess so they can sell signage to every dealership in the world. That's how GM does it.
1/32 after 6k is normal wear. Rotate every 5k and get the most life out your tires.
Except a jackass buddy when I had an oh shit lever. But yes you’re right, manual E brake would usually only stick on.
I blame that on your service provider. They should have advised you at your scheduled service PRIOR to the time. (So you could have saved up for it).
It's a Jeep wouldn't understand.
My 2018 Wrangler Sport gets an average 23 mpg with smiles all around.
Everytime you call a Jeep a car...a kitten dies!!!!
Yea back in 1976 I read the owners manual of my 69 Olds Cutlass S. I have been a staunch user of lane change for what? 46 years.
I LOVE these cars just a little less than the Regal with 3.8 Supercharged. I think $4,500 is a better price. 100k is just breaking in.
I once had a 90 Izuzu Pup extended cab 2wd. Wish I still had it. It was my commuter veh. 5 speed big 4 cyl. It never let me down. Put some weight in the bed and drive through 6 inches of snow with no problem. Looked alot like that one with out the cool graphics. Sold it for $800 in 03 with 265,000 miles.
Give me a 94 California car way before a 08 Jersey salt crusted frames car. That said $4,500 or less.
My uncles Jimmy and Ralph DePalma would go to the raceway and get VIP treatment everytime. I don’t think we are related to the real Ralph DePalma (or Louie DePalma for that matter).
There's one like that setting at the marina in Gulfport Fl. Been parked for months.
Not me but my older brother back in 68 or 69. He had a 63 Chrysler 300. He installed a drink dispenser under the dash. In that dispenser?? His pre-mixed screwdriver (Vodka/Orange juice). I will drop the Mike now.
10 years ago I wore out a pair of New Balance shoes. I ask my daughters to stop on way to vacation spot and pick up a new pair of running shoes for me. Actually hoping they would pick me out a neat pair of something neat. Imagine my surprise when I opened the bag to find another pair of New Balance.
Sounds great but in the end just another law that will be ignored. You can't pay if you're in jail.