
First off, saying Bill O’Reilly is THE spokeman for white people is like saying Bill Coby is THE spokesperson for black people. Second, there is nothing wrong with white people talking about MLK. Thirdly, you sound incredibly racist in this article. Lastly, ONE RACE HUMAN RACE

I mean, c’mon, who’s going to take any white guy seriously when talking about MLK? How dare that goofy white guy make any sense whatsoever.

I’m sure you know EXACTLY what youre talking about when it comes to this right? Horrible shit happening in your country and then running away rather rallying around a common cause and fixing it. Run away and fuck up other peoples shit instead of asking for help to fix whatever problem it is that happening. My bad,

Local authorities claim that the whereabouts of Ms. Kardashians shame, humility, and taste in men are still unknown. When asked if they were stolen during the robbery, the authorities stated “No, they were gone long before that”.

These problems matter

He won. We lost. we need to stop crying about it and get out there and make the changes ourselves. We should’ve been doing it all along, but since we’re lazy and keep thinking that politicians (ANY FUCKING POLITICIANS) are actually going to do what they said they would, we waited. and waited. It’s not just Trump, or

Probably not racist

 It was more of a “there really is a polar opposite of every terrifiying end of a spectrum and it is just as terrifying” kind of ? But thank, now I can finally surf other close minded posts thanks to the power of this new, fandangled hyper thingy

Doesn’t the painting paint all police officers in the same, negative light? Isn’t that wrong? If there were a painting hung in a public place that painted another profession, race, religion in a negative light; it’d be taken down. Why is this one different?

WHAT?!?! A show on television that is going to objectify women??!?! AND the Kardashians are involved somehow!?? NU UH!!!!

Trying to prevent acts of terror by stopping illegal aliens is worse? Here’s an idea. Fix your stuff in your own country, and if you need help, ask for it.

The guy sounded like a cheat and a sexual predator. You usually have to go digging for that stuff though. Thank you for mentioning that n this article.

You’re right...Lewis doesn’t seem paranoid at all. I hate seeing Lewis get like that though. Someone as smart as he is, it makes him sound that much closer to senility.

