
Call them a piece of shit to their face...and they deserve dignity too.” Funny thing about the faux moral outrage and virtue signaling...some of it actually is mutually exclusive. 

Author said it in the review...best part of the movie was the oral. 

How long did it take for me to find some dumb political shit tacked into a videogames article: .01 seconds

Super glad the first story at the sports site was yet another political article spinning hard left. Deadspin used to be cool. Now it’s just like everyone else. We get it. You hate republicans...blah, blah, blah. Well, from the other 48% of the population, enjoy your echo chamber. 

I was looking for some news on the Lakers and thought I had accidentally spelled Deadspin with a C.N.N.

Won’t get re-elected. The party is going to primary her. No doubt. She’s bad for business on the left right now. Whether or not this had anything to do with leadership from the left, there is no doubt Pelosi was glad to see this headline.

If you wanted the definition of “Butthurt” to be 2500 words long, it would be this article. 

I had no idea True Lies was a documentary. 

What a great article. Liberals are never guilty of phony news stories and memes taken out of context. Congrats Patrick, enjoy being part of the problem.

I love all of these stories about Overwatch. Is the hamster bi-sexual? Does the purple lady date other purple, non-binary characters, do the robots date humans.

In a dark satire, characters are portrayed in a dark and satirical nature. How dare the Coens! Seriously. I quit coming to Deadspin for two years because of lame PC culture infecting it and it took five minutes to step into another pile of it. Good job Deadspin, catch you 2021.

Brett Favre, is that you?

I’m not old, not dying and just fine because I work my ass off and never get comfortable in my surroundings. Wealth doesn’t equal theft...some of us actually work for it.

What a BS article. I worked at Home Depot part time after a layoff. Finished college and got a better job. How much do you want per hour to move bags of dirt or stand behind an electronic cash register? People waiting for someone else to make things better...I have a novel idea, do it yourself. Get educated, find

The problem is that those of us on the right have been called racists for the last 9 years. Any disagreement with Obama’s policy was an instant “bigot” label. Then people quit caring. Yep, I support our flag and borders and low taxes and private healthcare. If that makes me a racist, so be it.

It’s “okay to kill transgender people” - Seriously?!!?!?! That's capital murder. That is some next level ignorance.