
Yes. Double tap to run. Hit attack while running to do like a shoulder jump charge. Game is awesome.


To be fair The Onni King was going to erase the universes anyway and that the tournament was a way for those universes to fight for survival. Goku suggested a tournament, the Omni king said sure and then at the end the Omni king knew it was all going to happen anyway pretty much and that if the winner didn't wish for

Ummmm this has been done at 59.99 for a good while now. Amazon and in store at Wal-Mart.

Ummmm this has been done at 59.99 for a good while now. Amazon and in store at Wal-Mart.

With all the money Rockstar mkaes from GTA online I sure would hope they could afford to not crunch. Hopefully companies are learning that crunch is not good for the bottom line due to looking good talented people to burn out 

What ever happened to the idea that video games are an escape from reality? This is a fictional New York with a fictional superhero set in a different fictional universe with fictional issues. Why are we comparing this game to real life? Maybe cops in this universe are awesome. Maybe people feel more secure being

Ghost Babel (otherwise known as Metal Gear Solid on the GBC) is a great game and it would be interesting to see how that compares to the first two games in terms of structure and what not

Nice. So they actually are producing new GameCube controllers. That’s what’s up

Nice. So they actually are producing new GameCube controllers. That’s what’s up

Didn’t they scrap a huge portion of the game and start over?

The foundation update I believe laid the groundwork for a lot of changes

So there is this device that’s been out for over a year now....called the Switch. Dunno if you’ve heard about it. It’s a hybird. It’s both a home console and an handheld. Worth checking out.

To be fair they did say more details to follow as we get closer to the release of online service. The information they provided was just a tease. From what I see people keep forgetting about this. Also if this new service grows to include other games from other systems then hopefully with it being tied to a

I do like this game but ever since I got the switch I tend to play less mobile games. Also I don’t have a phone that can run it on high settings which is the best way to play a madfingers game. Anyway I would love for this game to come to the switch. I know the devs don’t have that planned for the future but they did

I did not see that ending coming lol

More of everything!!!!

I think you guys should not remove games from the list. There are too many best games. Let the list grow into something like these are the games you must play on ps4

Bricks were happening before the update

The Nyko docks caused bricks before the 5.0 update. Horrible reporting going on here by kotaku.

Brick issues occurred before the update as well. Which is why I took my nyko dock back well before the 5.0 update. People posted all over reddit about it

Yeah Joe messed up. He also has not played any Good of War game prior. So he def had no idea the impact of that spoiler.