
IMHO, one of the best lines of dialogue in the history of dialogues: “I don’t know, they had Yodas and shit  on ‘em.”

And poodles.

I don’t know. The “particular language he used” seems pretty appropriate in this circumstance.  

That’s exactly why I got my Rottweiler from a reliable breeder. Both his parents were naturally chill, as was he when I met him and, while I’ve had dogs all my life, I needed a puppy I could raise properly. I would never get my next Rottie from anything but a breeder.

This has absolutely nothing to do with a mother loving her son. As I mentioned previously, my bet is that she was terrified of him.

It sounds like she was terrified of him.

I turned down a full-ride to the University of Nebraska back in ‘64 because I was a legacy Pi Phi (thanks [sarcasm] to my mother) and would’ve “had” to pledge. I noped the hell out of that fast.

Still irritable! It was a nice surprise to see your name pop up after such a long time. Hope you’re doing well.

I’ve seen it elsewhere referred to as “Attention Deprivation Syndrome!”

I just got back from a week in New York City and can attest to several terror-filled cab rides, and I am not easily terrorized. I swear, those drivers come within an inch or two of other drivers all the time!

This.  SO MUCH this.

Randilyn! Where’ve you been?! (Former Rudedog here.)

Why not both?

William Morris at work.

Know that Kylie wrote it without noting that Kylie wrote it.

I tend to feel that there’s a difference between “old” and “older.” But I was schooled by nuns K-12 and that makes a person kind of irritable.

I’d like to address young Emily’s remark (“As old men on the internet are wont to do [he’s 65])“...

Goodgod, so many words about one person!  Again, I believe Emily is a TeenBeat reject.

I don’t recognize half of the people I used to recognize.

That’s true. I learned so much at Deadspin, loved both the contributors and the commentariat.