
I wish these “Best and Worst” compilations would instead go with “Here’s What I Liked the Most, Here’s What I Really Hated.”

If it doesn’t have anything to do with the kardashians, I doubt it will be addressed here.

No matter how often it’s used as a supposedly appropriate excuse, I will never understand the protestations of, “That’s not me! That’s not who I am! I would never do that!” It seems that it’s always exactly who the person is and exactly what they would do.  Because they did.

I’d like to toss her a raw chicken leg just to see what happens.

Or Y Not.

So did I! It’s a badge of honor, I think.

Jezebel, evidently.

Does Kanye do anything these days without first praying that it will be seen by everyone?

She has a “snotty but inept” way about her.

Once again, welcome to Jezebel 2022, people.

Well, sure, that’s because we women only want to associate with with terribly attractive men, you big doof. /s

Oh, I do, because he just doesn’t seem to care.  Props to him.

As much as I like MGK, he sounds just like Goody Grace here.

And bitchy.

Your name reminds me: Years ago, when my sister was 4 or 5, she mis-heard Vic Damone’s name and insisted that it was “Victor Moan.”

I had an ex who used to do that. Said just incredibly rude/hurtful things, particularly when we were out with other people, then got just infuriated when I pointed out that “Jokes are supposed to be funny. You missed the boat on that last one.”  I loved doing that.

I agree! I’d much rather deal with those two than the kardashians, about whom I have no choice because they’re shoved  down our throats 24/7 here.  (Besides, I really like MGK!)

OK. So who, exactly, is missing the point? “The world?” ‘The public?” (That’s a lot of people.) “The twenty-first century?” “Harris?” Maybe the “iceberg?”

Same thing happened to me in 1957 (except for the Courteney Cox part) at The Chalmers A. Parker Isle of Charm in Denver. My forelock stuck straight out from my head like a gangplank for almost all of 6th grade.

Starred for Def Leppard. One would think one would do one’s research before “publishing”...anything.