
I think that’s possible also. Cher manages to get attention whether she seeks it out or not, I guess!

Excuse me, what? Why is Cher getting the “...nooooooo...” treatment? I’d think that any sane human being would wonder if/think/hope that they might be able to do something for Mr. Floyd if they were there. Or are you just making fun of her because she’s old? A little screwy? Maybe I misunderstood, but I bet I didn’t.

I stopped reading at “Lena Dunham.” That’s all I really need to know.

I wish I had more stars to offer.

Well, the bar is pretty high in that category, but I think you may be right. And goodness, all those words! So very many words!

You just know his Mom cut his hair!



JesusfuckingCHRIST, will you ever be done with these people? You’re dredging up shit from a thousand years ago just for clicks? What the hell is wrong with you?

I wonder if anyone has ever accused them of being particularly smart.

It means it’s Joan.

Oh, he is such a little bitch!

LOL! A co-worker of mine in the ‘60s used to shout, “Tits up!” to get everyone back to work after long lunches. Memories!

That, I think, speaks for itself.”

ETA: I need to explain that, contrary to what it surely seems, I don’t mean to fuss with you. It’s just been brought up a couple of times here and I felt some sort of need to point out that people can change their minds. I hope you didn’t take offense, because I didn’t mean to offend!

I am very old and, after every pets’ death, I vow “Never another dog. Never,and I always discover that I can’t live comfortably/happily without a dog, who always gets to live as comfortably/happily as I. Am I as addled as the Queen evidently is? Should it be thrown in my face (or even mentioned) that I thought I

LOL! I wonder how many of us old people mis-read this as “Pattie Boyd Harrison Clapton Weston” and thought, “Hm, ol’ Pattie never struck me as being particularly funny...”

I’m 76, and the first model I recall seeing/hearing about was Suzy Parker, mid- to late-’50s.

They look like compression socks.