
I’m not crying, Bruce isn’t crying, you’re crying.

Any one of us could probably be “one of the most beautiful women in the world” if we had all the work done on us that she’s had.  I feel pretty confident about that.

That’s what is so remarkably scary about those things. Mr. Tipton has had a total of 3 seizures and 2 strokes since March and, despite all the “experts” assuring me that “he’s as good as new,” I reply that this is NOT the same guy that went into the hospital the first time. Not the same guy at all. As in: A complete

When I was gainfully employed, one of our managers was named Biff. His given name was Leslie, so we all considered it a toss-up.

 My favorite Salma Hayek-adjacent tidbit is that Prince wrote “Valentina” as a shout-out to Hayek’s daughter (Valentina), suggesting that she get her mom to give The Purple One a call when she gets tired of chasing Valentina “down the hall.”

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A perfect song about being cooped-up these days.

Agree. It’s been way more than 20 years since I’ve done a simple line of blow, but that itch never seems to go away! I’d do one right now if I didn’t know for a fact that it’d drop-kick me into the after-life.

While her beauty is staggering, my favorite thing about her is that she once owned a Briard named Lois.

Either she made a rug out of Wally or Wally out of her rug.

Evidently 40 years is enough to get used to being interrupted by Goldie every 3 seconds. Kurt must have patience stockpiled.

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I’ll just leave this here. It’s long but worth it, I think.

Maria, thank you for the photo in the lede. That is all. :-)

Agreed. Good Housekeeping, I think, is about the only thing that wouldn’t lie to us these days, and I stand corrected. Sometimes I get the impression that I just make things up as I go along. (The utilization of “I” 5-6 times in one small paragraph is a matter for another discussion entirely.)

Yep, he’s Reba’s son. Evidently Reba and Kelly have remained close. Honestly, I don’t have any idea how I know this. I’m discovering that my brain has the most irrelevant crap stored in it. No idea what day of the week it is, but I know who Kelly Clarkson’s MIL is/was. Gah!

It seems that Kelly Clarkson’s ex is asking $436,000 a month in support.

Take your damn star.

STFU, Kayleigh.

I did a deep BTS dive (because pandemic). Whew!

Maria, it seems that you and I are the only ones who are bat-shit crazy for BTS, and I’m fine with that. More for me. (Bias = Tae, although I wish he’d keep his hair permed. Sigh.)

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Re BTS: “Fly to My Room” will make you feel better.