
I think that every time I’ve seen that child, she looks like she could use a shower.  So would that be “appearance-shaming?”  Probably.

“How you dare, how you dare, how you dare?” (I’ve gone down the BTS rabbit hole.)

But I think that’s what he was going for. “Did you see what I did? I brought that whole thing to its knees! See how powerful I am? Nobody could stop me!”

I think it’s willful ignorance. Smart-ass contrariness is sometimes elegant (see Oscar Wilde, James Thurber, Stan Freberg, etc.) but is more often found in the 2nd grade.

I wish I had more stars to give you.  

Tee-shirts on Amazon now!  I got 2.

I think you already know what to do. You just need help figuring out how to do it.

The unabashed glee she exhibits when one of her staff scares the bejezzus out of a guest by having some fool jump out at them is disturbing. I’ve never understood why she thinks it’s just hi-jinks. It’s not.

Mark was terrific, too, I thought.

There’s a whole sub-set of us who have offered to edit Jez for years, gratis! I’ve always associated the decline with Dodai’s departure, but that timeline could be off a bit. I know it was a long time ago.  

The responses to Harron’s post have been so thunderous (and appropos), I think it would be interesting to see what she has to say in...what?...rebuttal?  I wonder if she’d be inclined to explain.

I don’t like to start fights on Jezebel because I’m not particularly bright and wouldn’t fare too well, but:

You really don’t need to start making excuses for clear neglect to make the point that healthcare is in need of reform.”

Was I wrong to do a spit-take when I read, “...the bottom of her car?” I am aware that muttering “undercarriage” a couple of times was definitely snotty, though.

I read the Halle Berry item asNetflix bought the wardrobe distribution rights to Halle Berry’s directorial debut for almost $20 million,” and my initial reaction was merely “Hm.” I don’t know when I realized that I’d misread it.

I’d pay good money to hear a verse or two of “Back in the U.S.S.R.” played at a trump rally.

Much like Donny Two-Scoops.

THIS. It was “a different time,” no matter how offensive that argument is. A lot of us wanted Thomas run out of town. Thanks to the hearings being televised (a very unusual thing at the time), we all could see what a little bitch he was (and is). I’m slightly less of an ass than I was back then and all I can hope is

I’m in Long Beach and was sold a bill of goods by Mr. Tipton, who claimed “Oh, it’s never hot here. We get that ocean breeeeeze.” To which I say now and loudly, “Bullshit.” My cute little thermometer clocked in at 103.5 this afternoon. (And I type “SoCal” all the time, but then I’m from Colorado and don’t know any