
That explains a lot.

That’s the Big Thing that stuck out to me, and I don’t understand what’s so damn difficult about, “If you don’t want to be called a cheater, don’t cheat, dipshit” Although I worked the largest part of my career for a wealthy man who came from dirt and he didn’t believe the rules applied to him, either. Interestingly,

My daughter and I lived in Denver and my parents retired to Colorado Springs. It was just after Focus on the Family sprang up there and my dad had to drive past the mega-church every day. Pissed him off so much he finally bought a “Focus on Your Own Damn Family” bumper sticker. He was an alcoholic fool, but I did like

Aw, thanks!  I love Stan and Wendy.

Mr. Tipton and I met on-line and in person 6 months later. I lost 33 pounds and 5 (FIVE) levi sizes during those 6 months merely because, as my sister ever-so-delicately explained, “Damn, all your juices are finally flowing like they’re supposed to.” Married 20 years this year.

People are strange, particularly when you’re a stranger.

No, no, I’m talking about Carine, not your Grandma! I would never talk about your Grandma that way! I’m a 73-year-old Grandma and, if I do say so myself, I look younger than Carine (but I do not look younger than your Grandma!) I knew I was taking a big risk hitting “Publish.” ;-p

 Bearing in mind (please!) that this is merely my own personal opinion, I wonder how many women would think, “Geez, I wouldn’t want to live to 100 if I looked like I was that ill.” My Grandma always said to never go out if there was a chance you might scare the horses. I never took that to mean wearing lipstick, but

Whoa, that’s kind of a horrifying picture!

Then you will also need this, which is on our dining room wall. It’s HUGE.

With the family’s near-constant appearance on Jezebel as click-bait, that’s good for, I don’t know, 3-4 units right there. Jez will not let those people go.

Well, he couldIvanka did.

I’ve always thought Marla is just stunning, Ivana not so much, but good GOD, there’s some pretty powerful bad-genes-on-steroids going on with every one of those kids. Tiffany’s looks are, in fact, unfortunate, but then there’s Eric!

I’ve always found that my key to a good pot roast is the gravy. I could probably suffer through almost anyone’s bad roast as long as the potatoes and gravy are stellar. Which, ahem, mine are.

Well, if it isn’t Dr. Foster. Christ, I hope she’s finally sorted out her damn life.

“...the latest idol to be effected...” Please, can’t someone do something about this shit? Anyone? If the writer can’t even bother to get her grammar straight, how are we supposed to accept that what she writes holds any water? I don’t get it and have said a gazillion times: The contempt for the reader is staggering.

Oh, Jaysus. “...for he and Macy’s theater company...”?  Seriously? Perhaps Jezebel could spring for Literacy bumps for its staff. Couldn’t hurt.

“What are you gonna do?  Shoot me?”  Oh. My. God!

Oh, for god’s sake. 90201? You couldn’t even get two digits right?