
It’s almost as if the writer didn’t take, say, 20 seconds to do any research about Bundy. Can you imagine?! (Also, I took way too much time trying to guess the noun in “...as he defends himself in the criminal justice...” but finally went for the most reasonable “system.” I could be wrong, though.)

My best friend’s in-laws had a Doberman named Bridget who ate a pair of panty hose. They did come out, but only about 2" worth. They had to tug a good 3'-4' feet of slimy yuck out of poor Bridget’s butt. During dinner.

Under. Base of shaft to tip.  Wait.  We’re talking fully engorged, right?

My “bless your heart” comment had some heat behind it. I’ve been around for a looooooong time and have had way more than my fair share of sexual partners and can promise you that, in almost every scenario, anything over 6" was verified with a tape measure. Guys were very, very proud to be measured, especially when

Sort of like, “Oh, that’s okay, it happens to everybody.”

Bless your heart.

I’m having trouble with “decimate”then. I thought it was used in Roman times to indicate that, by way of punishment, every 10th member of an army (or battalion or whatever) would be killed as a warning to the whole group. I was taught by nuns K-12, though, so I don’t really ever believe anything I’m told.

My previously-alluded-to “husband” is in counseling, and I considered it, but it’s gotten to the point where we’re not a “couple” nor a “family” nor is he my “partner...” It’s just The All Important Him and an Invisible Plus-One (me).  Everybody else just kind of circles around his star.  It’s good to know and accept

Gah! Try living with a retired husband who does nothing (NOTHING!) but watch tv. If I refuse to pick up after him (gross beyond words), the house goes to shit. He eats and watches tv. Yeah, I know it’s my problem and I’m leaving. Thank god the grandkids aren’t his. Ladies...when shit becomes bullshit, it’s time to

The pain from a bunionectomy (yep, it’s a word). I’ve been through labor and migraines and the pain from having a bunion removed was the worst. After the propofol wore off? Goodgod, I thought I was going to die, and I have the constitution of a work horse.

It’s a slow day.

LOL!  My first thought was,”You’re kidding with this Swae thing, right?”

As I bet Jerry-Nederland would point out, it’s the theme song from “Green Acres” from long, long ago. Arnold Ziffle anyone?

He was quite good as an asshole Eagles fan in...um...”The Fan” but that praise is very faint.

Love that you mentioned “Love Me or Leave Me.” Ruth was from my hometown in Nebraska (population: 2,300); my uncle remembered “The Gimp” Moe Snyder exiting the only drug store in town and being completely ignored, mainly because it was the middle of the day and all the farmers were out...farming. Seems he took it out

Her “Guess Who I Saw Today” gives me the chills every time I hear it.

I think he’s a creep but do love “Who Says.”

So John Mayer is a “signer-songwriter,” huh? Maybe a proof-reader has been hired finally...who cares even less than the damn writers, or whatever they call themselves now. Over and over and over again I’ll say it: The contempt for the reader is staggering.

If Pat didn’t want his family affairs played out in public, he should have been considerably more circumspect about his actions many, many, many years ago. And I’m not talking about “affairs” in the usual sense of the word. At all. Probably should’ve used a burner account for this comment, but fuck it. It’s

Sigh. I guess Stan Freberg’s “You’ve influenced me a lot, Bix,” can only be regarded in context.