
Many, many long years ago, my OB/GYN told me that “the only real ‘natural’ child-birth is squatting over a hole, then going on about your business.” That sort of put things in perspective for me.

It happened. Everyone involved copped to it eventually. But back then, monogamy was evidently not a particularly important element in The Marriage Game. George even fucked Ringo’s wife, Maureen. I frankly don’t understand how someone didn’t get shot.

I hope you’re talking about the Buckingham-Nicks-era FM and not the original Peter Green incarnation. There is no better band extant than the Peter Green-Danny Kirwan Fleetwood Mac. Hold my beer.

And Clapton’s “Wonderful Tonight.”

Goodgod, that child is exhausting.

Me, too! And I wonder how many of us would (almost) literally sell our own mothers to gain a place at the table as Fact-Checker (particularly on poor Whitney’s watch) and/or Proof-Reader. I’d like to go on-record as First in Line As Spell-Checker and Punctuarian (?). My bona fides? I was schooled by nuns K through

I recall a very specific time, back in the ‘70s-early ‘80s, when homes were filled with plants. It was over-bearing even back then, spider plants and Swedish Ivy all over the damn place, but something I’d definitely place in the “trend” category. People who “couldn’t” raise plants got a definite side-eye. And I was

If it’s “fresh content” you’re looking for, you might want to look elsewhere. Jez often re-ups stories to the front page that they published two days prior. The deja vu sometimes turns out to be real!

Nope, I am. And then some.

Whoa! “Lots of pills on her bedside table?” If you consider that lots of pills, you’re in for a shock when you hit 70.

Would you look at the face on that woman. It should be placed right next to the definiton of “entitlement” in the dictionary.

I was wondering what was wrong with his face, and that’s it! Well, the main thing. I spent way too much time trying to figure it out.

Oh, FUCK no. There’s shit and then there’s this shit, and this is this shit. “What is wrong with these people?” needs to be some sort of sub-textual national anthem.

Well, I learned another thing today: I wouldn’t last 5 minutes as a proof-reader at the NYT. Evidently my own personal Peter Principle kicks in right at about a 5th grade spelling bee.

I believe so.

Now that’s a good idea! I admit, the social piling on does nothing because people who know no better aren’t going to learn anything at all, but the writer, as a professional, might well appreciate the gentler form of correction. I, much like Stan, have learned something today!

 For me, the “hmmm” part comes in when Filtered White Noise decrees that a very real need for correctness in journalism, op/ed, etc., is “worthless.” I’m interested in when the need for/appreciation of correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc. flew the coop. We now know that it’s not a big deal for FWN, at

It bothers me a lot, along with “I wish they would of...” I’ve heard it on the radio, TV, everywhere. The bars continue to be reset lower and lower.

These pleas for proof-readers have been going on for years...but NOT from the days of Dodai. Things started their steep decline when she left.