
Never have I so deperately wanted someone to rise from the dead as I have Barbara Jordan. (OK, maybe Prince.)

We all looked good(ish) 30 years ago.

“...we’re just living in a really bad time.”

I agree with you about Whitney’s early ginormous-ness and I’m older than dirt. Like Gene Vincent/Fats Domino old. In a way, I equate this a little to Caitlyn Jenner back in the Bruce days. I think very few folks here understand how massively huge Bruce was when he won his Olympic medal. Bigger than Whitney, I’d


Oooof. Neon Fuckingninja got that you’re “...an unhappy person...” out of that? JFC.

Well, folks took that the wrong way. He was saying, “All this adulation of The Beatles is ridiculous. Right now, we’re more famous than Jesus, for fuck’s sake.” People took it to mean that he thought The Beatles were “better” than Jesus. That interpretation works for me, but that doesn’t matter.

I refer to myself as “a recovering catholic” and man, does that piss people off!

“...there is always some freshman writer...”

HA! This just reminded me of when hubby #1 and I disembarked from a cruise ship at Kingston...this was 1973. I went to sit under a palm tree, hubby was approached by a guy who offered him what looked like a giant broccoli plant in exchange for a gun. A gun. Hubs got the weed for $2 instead. Jamaican Weed. My

Goodholygod, the constant stroking of the hair.

That’s exactly what I thought of them until I saw the video for “Best Song Ever” and now, in my Very Special Old Person Way, I just think of them as really funny, really talented actors. I just love those little funsters!

Rotties are the best kind; I would (could) never have another kind.

Hoosier has so many “Kiss Me Here” places on his head and on his whole face!

“Old-timey music.” I’ll just leave that right there.

 But “La Cage Aux Folles” is better than a dozen of them put together!

Exactly! If there’s any appropriation going on here, it’s Mayer appropriating Perry’s sharks as pandas.