
I mentioned this elsewhere, but my daughter’s got a “Marv” and a “Hank” in her class of 4th-graders, so there’s still some good sense going on out there somewhere.

“My tongue is asleep and my teeth itch.”

“Bon Secours” my ass.

I’m thinking the Addie and Zack “case” would be custom-made for this and wonder if that’s the direction they’re taking.

I said that about clogs. Years after they were popular, I finally got my first pair, fell off them in the middle of Macy’s and broke my foot. I think my good sense had been trying to tell me something all those years.

Sometimes I confuse myself because, as bottomless as my dislike for Dane Cook is, I thought he was really good in “Dan in Real Life.”

I actually said aloud, “Oh, Ansel, don’t dance.” Is he the new Shia? Does the world really need one? Does anyone think the Kardashians read Jez? So many questions that don’t matter much.

Or maybe just mascara inappropriately applied. “It was a bloodbath, I tells ya!”

That’s bullshit (partially, anyway); he and Trump are cut from the same cloth. “I am who I am and consider myself so important that I refuse to be held by any constraints. Fuck the rules, civility or Standard Operating Procedure.” That’s the attitude that gave us Trump and West.