JB Sapienza

I do.

Fair. It looks like I missed something! Ha.

Unless i missed something, the only slight degree of finality to her post is that the season has ended.

VITALOGY is a top to bottom amazing record. Even the weirdo jams like BUGS and whatever the creepy hard to listen to jam at the end.

Vaness Bayer is why I still watch that show. Can't wait to see where she pops up next.

Agreed. It was slow, but pretty weird and neat looking. Blue Ruin immediately proceeded The Congress in the festival I was at and it destroyed The Congress in my mind. All i really remember now is I thought it was weird strange fun.

I saw that in the theaters when I was 8. My uncle and Aunt took me and my twin brother. The combination of us small boys loudly and continuously expressing that our minds were melting and my Uncle just not enjoying the flick caused him to not go back to the movies for almost 20 years.

*smashed potatoes

Size matters not, … Look at me. Judge me by size, do you?

That's what we're doing right? Just naming Nas albums?

Hip Hop Is Dead.

Milo Goes to Disney Land.

Shit. I should be reading this.

Cool. Now I don't need to watch it.

I love the Steely Dan debate in Knocked Up. I've had that debate with tons of people. They don't suck… Just ask my Dad.

But what about the Chili Garlic Sauce?

It's a little misleading to mention the Shaq album without also talking about the excellent song on that album featuring the Fu Schnikas. http://www.youtube.com/watc…