It’s the station’s call letters.
Oh snap, WSTM in the house.
I don’t live with RA, but I don’t really care for the tone of this article either. Two specific things that bother me: RA tends to affect small joints, like in the hands and feet, so claiming that she’s not sick because it seems like her knees are OK isn’t correct; and Rituxan, while not chemo in the OMG MY HAIR IS…
Powerpuff Girls. Netflix. She’ll love it.
Yup, heaven forbid we have any fun on the rare occasion we actually feel up to it.
I’m glad I’m in a position that I can still work because if I had to do a back to work assessment (I’m from the UK) I’m sure that I’d be screwed as I try to go swimming a few times a week and I walk to work. It was only when I started on the MTX and called it chemo that certain people in my circle started to realise…
The ORIGINAL Carmen Sandiego, though, the one with Lynne Thigpen as The Chief, and just some simple painted maps on the floor, before any of the kids realized they could study geography to learn where the countries are in Africa.
Preach. I have RA and I take MTX and I will call it chemo thank you very much. Yes, it’s not as much as cancer patients take but I am still getting some hair loss and sickness. For me, telling someone that it’s chemo shows them A) that the side effects are awful and that’s why I take it at the weekend so I don’t miss…
Ghostwriter was the best! Won’t netflix do an adult reunion of that? Like a police procedural but also all of them are so haunted that none of them can have real relationships with the outside world. One can be just released from a mental hospital-one is a junky-one is a psychologist-one a police officer-and they’ve…
Weeknights are where it’s at for cartoons now. Adventure Time, Regular Show, Gravity Falls...
A current push is to stop calling it rheumatoid arthritis and start calling it rheumatoid disease. It’s not arthritis in that a little overuse of a joint can cause you pain, or that age has caused bone to rub on bone. It’s a systemic attack on your body that affects joints, muscles, and organs and causes debilitating…
omg. The home remedy/diet people. If someone even starts to mention “leaky gut” or “gluten” I put the hand up and shush them.
Yeah, this story just infuriated me. I was diagnosed with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis at 13. I’m 29 now. I’ve taken methotrexate on and off since being diagnosed (and I most certainly do call it chemo, because it most certainly is - the vomiting that follows leaves no doubt), plus almost every other medication for…
Um yes, many RA or other arthritis patients can and do rightfully say we’re receiving chemo. Methotrexate is a chemotherapy agent. Here’s the problem: when people hear arthritis, they think of grandma with a sore thumb. The reality is people with autoimmune arthritis are sick every damn day, with joint pain and…
It is irresponsible to suggest that someone might not be sick because they don’t “act” like it, just as it’s irresponsible to not accurately present a particular illness.
Yes! The media handler for this Buñuel film of a campaign was unwilling
Too high-falutin’.
I’m really tickled by the Eleanor Roosevelt/ Jimmy Buffett mistake. Although it would have been far funnier if she credited Roosevelt with a Buffett quote.