
When Colbert's audience screams like the Beatles on Ed Sullivan for the fourth time in as many minutes, I want to scream back "NOT EVERYTHING IS THAT EXCITING!"

Jon Stewart is no loss.

They're not worried? Well they should be. I was a huge Stephen Colbert fan a year ago, couldn't wait to see the show. But after about two months, I just stopped tuning in. As much as I wanted to like it, I just didn't.

Um, the Iliad is the story of the Trojan War. So how did the Iliad end?

Well of course he's GOING to die, but that doesn't mean that we should SEE it, you crumpet-eating surrender-monkey. Haven't you ever heard of leaving things to the imagination? I suppose you can't get a boner unless the woman is totally naked, can you, you weiner scented hermaphrodite?

He cared enough about redemption to finally tell Skyler the truth…

This was an excellent finale, and mostly hit all the right notes, but one thing about it bothered me. One little thing that kept it from complete magnificence.


Her best? I dunno man…Burning Bridges Tour was one tight motherfuckin' set. And I thought Unwanted Thoughts Syndrome was hugely overrated, and felt like a first draft..lots of ideas, but needing lots of work. The Special Special Special was even worse, with Maria muttering and mumbling through much of it to the point