
There is a woman named Brittany Poolaw who is in prison in Oklahoma right now for a miscarriage at 15 weeks and drugs were found in the fetus, but the doctors admit there were other problems with the pregnancy and they cant prove the drugs are what caused the miscarriage.  In spite of that, she went to jail.  At 37

So you’ve never heard of a ball-peen hammer and a punch?
It might be a bit more difficult with double-walled tanks but definitely not out of the realm of possibility.

You could very easily achieve the same results in similar time with a good ‘ole hand drill or brace. Bonus being that they’re much quieter too.

It’s an old trick in the souls series but it never fails to entertain.

Update: Supposedly the person who got tricked replied to the post. And another possible reason they didn’t lock on to the target or connect the dots is revealed. lol 

Might be time to move out of those red states, at least for people who have that option.

It’s almost like voting religious nuts into important government offices isn’t actually a very good idea.

Jesus. Leaving out the fact that she goes on and on and WILL NOT SHUT UP and let us just enjoy the seven (well, six, really...Hallows was weak) good books she wrote, what is it J.K. thinks is going to happen if trans women are called women? Is her vagina going to fall off? Will we all suddenly become sterile?

Also, they didn’t replace him with the person he beat in the previous election, they replaced him with his Lieutenant Governor who ran on the same ticket as him. 

I started hearing about CRT about the time Governor Abbott of Texas got the word that Texas’ most famous battle, the Alamo, was fought over the rights of Texians to own slaves. General Santa Ana, that brutal dictator of Mexico, of which Tejas was a part, had replaced the old constitution. The new constitution sparked

Reminds me of my favorite picture of T. Rex from Jurassic Park:

Hey Dude forever! But that analogy would make more sense for Brad, as she was the horse-riding instructor. Melody was the lifeguard.

Sometimes magic sounds like tape.

our public safety and law enforcement system is designed to select and brutalize “bad people” (and tends to know ‘em when they see ‘em

Also easier when you have an actual, real life majority, which the Dems currently don’t.

I bet that’s not even a real guitar he’s playing.

More often than not this is how it goes with high level players. Barry Bonds was a hall of famer before he started taking steroids. There’s a certain level of skill you’d have to have in anything to be able to fake being #1. 

That’s... actually one of the more gracious ways to admit cheating I’ve ever seen. Admitting, deleting all the fake stuff, and paying back the money. Deleting the socials is probably a wise decision for his own sake. More people should do that regardless of admission of guilt.

If it’s illegal to shout “FIRE” in a crowded theater, why is it legal to shout “VACCINES ARE BAD” during a pandemic?