
Boston cream pie is basically a chocolate eclair made of cake.

My local McD’s has a robot that fills the drink orders for the drive-thru.  The only labor involved is putting the lids on and refilling the magazine of cups.

I want one, mostly because it seems to operate identically to a F’real milkshake machine.

How are they getting the logo wider than the can - is it some sort of sticker that juts out?  Seems like it would make the cans more expensive to manufacture.

What holiday shape comes out between Easter and Halloween? Or do they avoid releasing them in the summer due to greater risk of melting.

What does the law say about “chicken fingers?”

Because Wendy’s fries are thicker, they stay warm longer than McD’s.

I just hope the backlash doesn’t impact toy sales of the action figures from the cartoon to the point that we never get the other half of the team.

Those lockers just seem like a modern take on an Automat.

I think she was trying to speak metaphorically, calling for Warnock to be “deported” from the Senate.  But since that’s not a metaphor anyone uses, it missed the mark.

Phil LaMarr did a great job on the cartoon, and he kind of looks the part now.

It dates back to when Egypt was ruled by Greeks, so if it should be returned to anyone, shouldn’t that be Greece?

How can we trust this if they couldn’t even get their own icons right in the summary at the top of the article?  They have apple and pecan swapped!

I like a glass of cider with a shot of Fireball in it.

I’d rank Firehouse somewhere near the top.  Better than JM for some things, worse for others.

If you were going to use this stuff for making a shepherd’s (cottage) pie, would you still add mushrooms?

I’d rather have a tranya.

They should re-edit the Flash movie so the lead character is always blurry and moving too fast to speak clearly, and make up for missing story by adding in some of the scenes from Batgirl, since both movies have the Keaton Batman.

So the old blobby cartoon character Barbapapa was named after cotton candy?  No wonder he was pink and squishy!

The other important ingredient is that the bun is steamed. But most critical is that the wieners are laid out in a row on the worker’s forearm while they’re being assembled.