
I bet this would rock as a coffee creamer.

The “poop in a box” test is a lot less hassle.

His mother was from Scotland; his grandfather was from Germany.

It almost feels like a Marie Antoinette solution - “The ancient water infrastructure in many areas is poisoning the people and needs updating! Well then we’ll change the rules so more of the poison water can come out of their spouts.”

So it’s DIY Jiffy Pop?

Clearly, she says “laurel.”

Or I’ll Fly Away

Just have Jenny and Maya switch roles and let Jenny be Nick’s mom - I bet they could do decent impressions of each other’s character’s voice.

Uncle Ben’s should just change their logo to a sad Spider-Man

It’s clearly an abbreviation for “Nicker.”

The giggling would be annoying.  During both.

I hope the Biden campaign finds a way to throw the progressive wing a bone once he’s the nominee, like maybe pick a progressive running-mate, or come out in favor of a major progressive issue. Just something to convince them to go to the polls that isn’t just “Trump is bad.”

At least it will make AOC’s presidency more groundbreaking.

A lot of her plans were legislative anyway, so there’s nothing stopping her from introducing a bill for a wealth tax or universal health care or whatever, if the democrats ever retake the Senate.

Farscape, but fantasy instead of scifi?

They should switch to a primary, but do ranked voting so it can behave like a caucus. For that matter, every state should.

The best trees are live ones that you can plant after Christmas.

These kind of laws will result in a lot of dead kids.

They should have ALF on as a guest, to talk about what it’s like being an alien with a talk show, since he’s not a Muppet either.

One, Two, Three Princesses here before me, that’s what I said now.