
Are there no more trailer parks?

Richard Simmons’ excessively campy public persona would seem to be the perfect shield to allow him to harrass women.

I’m surprised he’s not going to just leave the post unfilled and announce that the US is leaving the UN.

If this extremely lopsided FBI “investigation” ends up convincing Trump that Rod Rosenstein is a team player and he keeps his job, so therefore so does Mueller, was it worth it?

Suppose you lived an even more exemplary life than Brett Kavanaugh, like say a Catholic priest, should people not be allowed to bring up accusations of sexual misconduct from your past?

How do you feel about the Kevin Bacon/ Elizabeth Perkins movie?

Just don’t anger the kwyjibo.

Reminds me of the Spitting Image Margaret Thatcher

I have no doubt the FBI is biased against Trump and his cronies, since law enforcement don’t tend to like people who commit crimes.

Maybe this movie is supposed to be an Art Flick.

“Name a black Ivy League graduate who is as ignorant as Trump about the field in which they work. “  Ben Carson went to Yale. 

It works better if Woody is Luke and Buzz is Han, the cowboy and the spaceman who become friends. Not sure which two of the toys to pick for R2 and 3P0.

100% maple sugar candy is worth the extra price. Don’t try to save money and get the blended stuff. Get the little leaf-shaped ones. And don’t chew it or suck on it - just put it on your tongue and let it melt.

She was as sauced as a Cranberry.

It always seems like every other disease causes “flu-like symptoms,” so how can they hypothesize that these particular symptoms are from actual flu so quickly?

I’m sure they’ve got a contingency plan in place for getting Pence to keep giving them what they want should Trump leave office early.

Shouldn’t the answer be to make the balloons out of something other than plastic? Is there a digestible protein with enough elasticity to make a balloon out of so if critters eat it it won’t clog them up? Or a polymer that will disintegrate after being in the sun for a day so by the time they deflate they’re gone?

To cook it all the way through without overdoing it, the steak probably needs to be butterflied.

I don’t like steak that isn’t well done; beef that hasn’t undergone the maillard reaction makes me gag, which is very uncomfortable. But very few people can cook a steak all the way through without overcooking it, so I just avoid steak (and most roast beef).

That’s not a picture of Hector; that’s Marc Anthony.