
Great "White Men Can't Jump" quote.

Clearly Leap years exist just so the politicians can have an extra day to campaign...ha

No it wasn't, each OEM submits a bit/product spec each year for the Nexus device and Google selects the one they want. It would be preferential if they told an OEM they were getting the next Nexus regardless of what other products were submitted.

I agree, correlation doesn't equal causation.

I don't think the point of this article is "money=evil", to me the findings are a little more complicated than that. To say that everyone who has money, or drives a nice car is a d-bag is simplistic and misses the point. Paraphrasing a bit from above, someone who has wealth or power likely achieved that through

To me this makes a lot of sense for a few reasons:

I've had a Panasonic "SmartTV" for about a year, I've connected it to the internet and used some of the Apps, mainly Netflix. The UI/UX is terrible (for Netflix and the TV), but the functionality of the set is rather neat - if the "OS" the TV ran was smooth and well integrated into the set I'd be more apt to use it,

As a Google/Android user, I'm excited for this product as a possible (lower cost) alternative to a Sonos system.

Quick correction: In Chrome to tab left it's SHIFT+CTL+TAB, not "ALT".

I tend to agree that "perfect is the enemy of good", as others have put it. Perfection is generally an unattainable goal for several reasons:

While that may sound good in theory, Google, HTC, Amazon, Samsung or a host of other Apple competitors will pay for exclusive rights to the patents to protect themselves, and their platform of choice from Apple's lawsuits. I expect RIM to either sell off pieces of the company or sell as a whole.

Amazing - this is awesome! Montel Jordan for life.

Amazing - this is awesome! Montel Jordan for life.

I usually have 1 or 2 cups of coffee before I lift on the weekends and the difference is noticeable for me. I've found that I don't "stall out" during the latter sets of my workout and can push myself much more.

Not a phrase I want to retire, but a phrase I want to HIRE "Is it a hearing problem or a listening problem?"

I don't care if there's more competition or less, I think the partnership of Redbox with Verizon is horrible, mainly because Verizon's execution is abhorrent. VZW may have the infrastructure in place to handle this, but their execution is terrible from a siloed aspect (wireless, cable, FiOS, etc.) so the execution in

Read another way: "Avoid running into people by actually looking where you are going" and not having your nose buried in a phone...

I have a feeling this manifesto is handed out to every government employee upon hiring and they are told to obey it with unwavering obedience.

It just seems like odd timing given the "superphones" that Verizon is launching/has launched. In November the Droid RAZR and HTC Rezound (terrible name) both launched and the Droid 4 really isn't much more than the RAZR with a keyboard; and the G-Nex will be out in early December. Additionally, the Nexus line is

Not to be a cynic, but I have a feeling Verizon is going to be pushing this phone extremely hard over the Galaxy Nexus, which is also scheduled to launch that day.