
I don't know. That one seems to have exploded (view.)

“But $9K is a lot of money for a 12 year old compact car, regardless of its power or handling. If it doesn’t say Lotus, Lamborghini or Ferrari on it somewhere, that’s pretty difficult to defend.”

You sure do hold a grudge.


No one ever saw Racer X and Graham Hill together. ;) 

You are allowed by law to escalate in this situation. The next step would be to get one of those tiny clear plastic water cups from a flight attendant, pee in it, and set it on his tray table.


So you might say the Pantera is...Far Beyond Drivin’?


the latest update seems to show they have parts and a willing mechanic in San Francisco


I think this just gave me IBS. 

That’s probably Wesley Snipes’s apartment.

Stress, ibuprofen, spicy foods, poor diet, coffee, alcohol. Without knowing it, I nearly killed myself.

This, THIS is the kind of pedantry I come to the internet for.

OK but why didn’t the bank alert them of fraud when he was charged $75 for tickets to a “professional” football game?

Gotta say, that bank is on point with the potential frauds. Hearing “Fan requires $724 worth of beer to get through Dolphins game” sounds uncannily plausible.

There is also choice and acceptance here. You cannot argue they chose to ride in this vehicle. When they got it, before even taking off and they saw there wasn’t “proper safety equipment” they could have just as easily said I dont feel like driving or riding in this because its missing X.

When she texts you that her parents aren’t home:

Gruden saying “Please stop this shit” was just him trying to get the sewage leak fixed at the Coliseum.