
Oh deer!

He should stick to limos.

Meh, still want an A hatch in the states.

Whats updog?

Holiday shapes cost more per ounce than original/minis.

Reese’s must.be.frozen.

Did you have a stripper named Mercrdes in the a-class during the bachelor party eh? Did it confuse the hell outta the dig. assistant? Eh?

Somewhere in Nova Scotia a plan is being hatched to steal ingrediants.

No no no noooo, erybody knows the Ford Aerostar is more space-ish.

Accorfing to David Tracy, the only frame rails that need to be fixed are "weight bearing" or "structural."

Yup, its just like they do every year, an hour a day for a week. 

I live 90 mins away and didn't hear anything about this. Arggghh

Only 2 hours of TT coverage?

That was short sighted.

Its the lmp1 engine with 2 xt cyls abd a single turbo...pretty to easy to picture its appearance.

Times Square eh? How much does a shitty shitty chain restaurant lunch cost you in that area?

You kids smokin the wacky tabacky today at JalopHQ? Next Q for discussion: are there tiny universes inside our engine bores?

Depends on the city. NYC, no. LA, yes.

Its better looking than the Enzo.

I don't get it. Was Toronto Bags of Milk taken?