
The doctor got what he deserved. He fully into Negan's bullshit. His subtle verbal abuse and his using his skills to help Negan commit his crimes doomed in my eyes.

Making something smart and thought provoking is not a waste of money. Making something as dumb as Luke Cage is though. Stranger Things is good but it's pure popcorn and you forget about it as soon as it's over.

Can't you think something up? If she was lying about her ordeal it's an easy way to get back into her old life. If she's not lying maybe she was desperate and wanted to get back to khatun. Or maybe she was just depressed.

He was a hell of a lot better than the villain in Stranger Things. At least this character was given motivation and show more depths to his character.

The door being unlocked is not a problem. It's a simple mistake and it's one a real life kidnapper made.

I didn't like too much my self. Felt a little bit like filler. The opening scene with the music started it all off badly for me.

You just need to know that it's a name of the book. I don't think it's that important to know the plot of the Iliad.

I don't get this about asking what it's about. It's very clear about what it's about. It's about these group of characters. Did you not understand how each character was in trouble in some way and how they're getting better under her influence? And how they form friendship? It's about trauma and about mental illness.

Hap wanted to hurt her. Killing her would've been easy. OA probably thought Hap would've forced them to do the movements and enter another dimension. Or I think she thinks she's in a different one.

Yeah, I mean, why get upset over that but not using kidnapping and captivity as a plot point? That happens more often than school shootings. It's like people getting upset over rape in Game of Thrones yet think the violence is cool.

Those weren't school guys…These were guys who make a profit from doing stuff like this to kids. They don't actually care about kids or anything though they claim they do.

I think only her premonition was real. Think of it like this: what if you have superpowers but you were also insane, had schizophrenia? We're used to shows and movies with normal people with powers and gifts.

While ambiguity can be used to hide lazy writing (see Lost for an example), this isn't it. The point of her character is how it changed the other characters, how she somehow improved their lives whether she was lying or not.

The money didn't matter to her. There was never a scene of her desperate for money. You wouldn't give up that little to save 4 people's lives?

What? She befriended that kid. She was saving him because she saw that he changed, plus she thought she needed him to save Homer and the group trapped.

I've seen people compare this to Stranger Things, and while I liked that, it's a show that is completely fueled by nostalgia. "Oh look, they're riding bikes like in ET!", "oh look, this is just like Goonies!" and then cradles his child star wars action figure.

Hand holding? Show don't tell remember. The character was obviously meant to have a bigger part but they rushed it due to the show being cancelled.

The first 3 seasons were great, this last one was okay. Just okay. The last two episodes felt rushed. Like it's very obvious they had planned on more seasons and more time spent with certain characters like Bill and that woman Amantha had such an emotional scene with who we had never seen before, and Bill being part

Small mistake. Not as bad wasting time watching a show that's boring and then commenting on it.

Well yeah…