Yeah. Tommen is a bad king, no doubt. But he wasn’t a sociopath.
Yeah. Tommen is a bad king, no doubt. But he wasn’t a sociopath.
Thanks for the reassurance. Heard the news and got nervous.
But I assume the pocket knife is in... I don’t know... a pocket? Why do you have a knife out where someone can grab it when you go into the restroom?
That this father aids and abets his son’s refusal to take responsibility for his violent actions... This angers and saddens me beyond expression. As the victim of his son’s violence expressed so eloquently in her own letter, binge drinking isn’t the problem here. His son’s actions, and refusal to acknowledge what he’s…
It seems pretty limiting, from a story-telling perspective, to have a starting assumption: all my characters are XXX. While everyone may have starting assumptions, the point is to challenge them. Any story-teller who has a default assumption of characters without challenging it is likely to tell very one-dimensional…
Yeah, this seems the important point. Why should we accept white male as the default assumption. If those qualities are germane, somehow, to the plot, then so be it. But to not consider diversifying characters, and to get in the habit of diversifying them, keeps us stuck in the same characters all the time.
Easily one of my two favorite games of the last generation (perhaps, my favorite, but InFamous is neck and neck). So happy it’s coming to the PS4. I might finally be able to put away my PS3 for good.
That is immediately what I thought. If she were a man, there’d never be any doubt about her winning.
I was enjoying the Division just fine. (Disclosure: bought it weeks after release and have been taking my time working through the story.) Then the Destiny update dropped. The same day as the Division update being complained about. I’ve been playing Destiny just about every day again, and haven’t touched the Division…
I really want to do both. But my long term love of Destiny means that, if I have to choose one, it’s Destiny. Still, it will be nice to be able to buy Dark Zone equipment. I’m only rank 19 (despite repeated attempts to up that), and I have won and lost so much DZ currency because I have nothing to spend it on.…
You know what isn’t helpful in all of this? Name-calling. But hey, what do I know?
Daisy meets someone who can see the future? Are they pushing towards the story in Marvel’s upcoming Civil War II? Because, weird...
Surely there is a line between too much humor all the time and... whatever this movie was. The entire time in the theatre I kept thinking, I’m rooting for Lex Luthor to win and Superman to lose. Hard. Nothing, and I mean nothing, about Superman said “hero” to me. Batman felt like the character I knew after any…
“In September, Apple will announce the iPhone 7 and it will likely have a whole new design and vastly superior internals.”
Not at the high end stage yet, but I have fallen through the street a few times. The outline of New York looks pretty overhead when you’re no longer in the Matrix.
Oh. One more thought (and I’m really not trying to prolong this or continue arguing with you, I just think this might be of interest). My partner of many years is/was a practicing therapist. For more than ten years, I hid my depression from her. When it finally came out, she was stunned. (As was just about anyone else…
All I see is “they want, they want, they want”...
Good advice. Bad advice. Doesn’t much matter to me. What is helpful is knowing that it’s not just me who feels this. Knowing that my experience is not solitary. People can argue the merits all they want. The fact is, I feel this way all too often. And it’s nice to know I’m not alone. Period.
Why, oh why, is it not available for the Mac? *sigh*
I didn’t say you said depression was selfish. I said that you said people who act (not always fully rationally while depressed) in certain ways are selfish. (Specifically, you said people who lie to loved ones when depressed are acting selfish.) Which you did. I already quoted where.