
I don't understand how anyone is still enjoying this show. I used to love American Dad, and it's early seasons are some of the best of ANY animated series. But as the series has progressed, they've made two of the characters so unredeemingly awful that I can't even watch it anymore without just becoming irritated,

Are you kidding? That is basically the definition of trump. And now that the republican scum have total control, we're basically going to see things change to full on dictatorship/fascism. The country is completely fucked man. We are seeing the end of America. They're going to destroy it and most likely re-implement

I know this is years old but I can't believe that so many people dick ride EVERY part of this show so hard. Earlier seasons of this show were amazing, but at this point it's starting to suck hard and if you can't see that you're a brainwashed moron. The plot with stan and francine isn't funny. The part where stan

This is the problem with the TV Club only employing overprivileged white boys who think they're better than everyone and know everything just because they went to some pretentious college surrounded only by a bunch of other overprivileged, pretentious white people. Almost every review comes off at though these white

This is the absolute worst episode they've ever done. This shit was cancer.

Here's the thing about Todd though and why he can operate the way he does. He's a fucking sociopath. Almost a straight up psychopath. Jesse isn't. Walt, I'm not sure what you'd really call him. He definitely has the tendencies of a sociopath sometimes. He's an egomaniac for sure.