
In my opinion, this chart is extremely confusing to read and I'm pretty sure wrong (the niece/nephew and aunt/uncle rows and columns). This is the kind of chart I've used before and I think it's much better:

Catching any employer doing these things, IMO, is a huge red flag telling me that I'm better off finding a job somewhere that isn't run by invasive sociopaths. I'm better off in the long run not working for someone that will search my car or have people spy on me looking for excuses to disqualify me.

This. Walking is the sort of thing that goes from being incidental exercise (walking to the car, walking through a store) to being exercise itself. It's something that we already do (generally speaking) so if you load up on podcasts (the one at historyofphilosophy.net is great, I've found, but there's plenty to fit

Google image search says fitbit. So you need the device, app is free.

where did you pull this graph from? is it a sleep monitoring app?

Vote: No case

These get a lot of play in the grammar debate, but most copy editors would argue that these are not really grammar mistakes at all. They are much worse. A grammar mistake is made by someone who does not know a rule, as in the above example with the essential and non-essential adjective clauses. The mistakes you list