
Does Gawker Media own stock in Sugru or something?

The only problem with that is that she's wearing more clothes than the animated "Little Mermaid" Disney princess does. Come on, I'd have settled for bikini bottom + chainmail bra as her costume and that would have been PG-13 easily. Return of the Jedi had that much (little) for Leia and got PG.

How so? I may have forgotten something, but I really think all the Greyjoy plot points can be safely left off-screen. Theon's Reek identity really isn't all that important except to highlight the Bolton family's cruelty.

The Burroughs books, apart from the first one, don't even use John Carter as the main attraction. I agree, he's completely two-dimensional, and his absence from most of the sequels is indicative that Burroughs was aware of that as well. The plot of the books is always the main character being led around by the dick by

Nah, he'll be Squire Trelane.

They're pruning storylines that don't lead anywhere in the books in order to concentrate on the important ones on the show. My guess would be they'll kill off Theon.


They have already to some extent. In the comics, Sophia and Otis both survive Hershel's farm and make it to the prison. Hershel's twin girls don't even exist on the show but play a big role in the comic that I'm mad we won't be getting on the show later this season.

"It's far more probable that it will turn bosses who are already assholes into even bigger assholes"

Rather than using IR sensors, he should combine it with a Kinect so the sensor could be programmed to be more discriminating, i.e., open for people and not for children or animals, or open at a gesture rather than just if you wander close to the door, etc.

I don't think they'll kill him off. They love Jon Bernthal too much to not have him back in a future recurring role. That's also why I think he'll end up being the governor, or at least a governor-lite. I seriously doubt the show is going to get into human gore and horror now that I've seen what they've had in store

Shane is either going to leave or be exiled from the group by the season finale. It's my prediction he'll end up being the Governor when that storyline hits in season 3 (probably the finale).

Come on, the Little Mermaid wears less than that.

What sucks is when they put Bishop in the EXACT same suit Obama was wearing at the State of the Union Address last year. I heard Michelle was all "Oh, no they dint!"

If that's what Dejah Thoris is wearing in this movie, I think I'll pass.

It's worse than reported. Actually thousands of males have had seizures during that scene, but only two have been willing to admit they went to this movie in the first place.

I'm with you on that. Stopped caring about the girl 3 weeks ago. They do know how to drag out a sub-plot, don't they? The nice thing about the comic is that something important happens in every issue.

Ummmm...perhaps the little girl they've been actively searching for for the past 5 episodes? Sofia? Duuuuh.

Um...so what does that have to do with what I said? The first amendment is a restriction on Congress, so what does it have to do with cops pepper-spraying protestors? Are you implying that the laws the protestors were violating were unconstitutional?