
So far, nobody's built an e-reader that's able to be used one-handed comfortably (including turning pages). Somebody really ought to get on that right away.

Frozen pipes. Zing!

If only they'd seen that movie from the 80's...

One of my pet peeves. Or is that pet "Peaves"?

He does kind of resemble Asimov.

I assume the accelerometer is for respiration rate. Why not embed ECG sensors in it, while they're at it?

I'm OK with this. One cop, outnumbered by the perps. Situation is over, no one gets hurt. The dickface that sat there filming instead of doing something about the fight then decides the problem is how the cop handled it is really the problem.

Please don't let this be Ridley Scott ripping off Niven's Pak Protectors. That would just be wrong.

Maybe you should check out another comment above yours that speaks of how to find out more about a problem that can't be reproduced on the ground. If you have questions (and you do) after reading the article, maybe the author of the article should have done some research and answered them.

It's like a game of Civilization from 1992.

I remember a lot of those deleted Ep IV, V, VI scenes from the old comic adaptations. They must have shown dailies to the writers because a lot of those scenes were in the comics but never made it to the screen.

Yeah, you'll be frustrated if you go sax to clarinet. Get a cheap soprano sax for $250 and save yourself the hassle :)

I have heard that the cheap Chinese saxes you can find on Amazon for $200-$300 are pretty good, by the way.

Alto, Tenor, and Soprano. Used to play Bari in school.

It's better to learn to play clarinet first, as it is harder. Clarinets have differents sets of fingering for each octave played.


MICGadgets = Made in China Gadgets.

Because they actually searched the home, ransacked it, and didn't find it? That overrides anything that a beta-level piece of software might tell them. Phone wasn't there. Period. Calderon says that the people at his door represented themselves as police. The police say only Apple employees entered the apartment. What

So if Find My iPhone says the phone is there, that makes it there, even if a search by Apple employees fails to find it? Face it, Apple essentially defrauded and threatened their way into this guy's house on very flimsy evidence which they had no right to follow up on themselves in the first place. They committed