
How about something for when the bird is deliberately and repetitively attacking a 2nd floor office window?

I bet you get really sore in the butt, back, knees and hips from riding this thing. Just like skiing.

Did I really just click on a headline that led to a link to a tweet? #$%&^&^*&)_!!!

I proudly have two of these: The Costco Amex and the Amazon Visa.

I was stunned at the resemblance between she and Anna Torv. They should have saved this actress for a Flash-forward plot line.

The pacing of this season's episodes is really jerky. They rush through things that need time to mature and draw things out that could be resolved in one scene. It's a hallmark of a creative team without a strong leader.

(chuckle)...Small Wonders...(chuckle)

Maybe even grandfather.

Now we know how Peter is able to afford the costume. He makes it from 100 rubber basketballs he steals from the gym at school.

Too bad this extension doesn't work with Google News, too.

Hey, maybe there's a transponder in the debris. One homing missile, coming your way, Al-Q.

Deja Vu? I could swear I've seen this article before on Lifehacker.

I see your 18 examples and raise you these two, both in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina:

It's more about how she's used. They don't build a series around her, they add her on top of a fundamentally flawed one and hope her presence will add some viewers. She'd really benefit from being more choosy about what jobs she accepts.

Still wishing for a 30-something Superman. I'm tired of all the "Superboys" we're seeing lately. I wouldn't mind if they "updated" Clark Kent a bit and made him the anchorman for WGBS News like the comics did in the 80s. Ha - they could have the Daily Planet downsize him, Perry White having to choose to keep Clark or

I don't like this at all. I won't go into the non-canon stuff. This deviates from established movie on-screen canon in at least 4 major ways:

I swear, if io9 posted a list of 'best peanut butter sandiwches', there'd be a dozen nerdboys complaining that there wasn't a BLT on the list.

I had been withholding final judgement, but I have to make it official now.

The NC is the bomb, folks. If you don't need a camera or phone, it's the best tablet out there.