
@gelatinous_d: I think a portcullis would be better. "No bridge for you! "

@KenEvil: My Asian wife, mother-in-law, grandmother-in-law, aunts, etc. disagree. Rice makes you fat. Whenever an Asian wants to lose weight, the first thing they cut out is rice.

@jblues: Incidentally, here's a list of 700. I'm sure one of them will meet whatever criteria you pull out of your ass.

I want that e-book. Can't find it anywhere and the provided link is dead. Anybody got a good link?

@MTVAH: Same with Malaysia. Even the road signs are in English.

Steve, you won't need any language other than English in SE Asia, I promise. Americans feel right at home in Singapore and Malaysia.

@infundibulum: I'm going to need a definition of "Climate Change".

@infundibulum: Your last sentence is untrue. That makes you a 'denier denier'.

@infundibulum: Dissent of the IPCC's press releases on the subject has been categorically repressed. For years, the press declared there was 'consensus' on the issue, and an actual study was released and trumpeted in the global press declaring that there was no dissent whatsoever. Whatever side of the issue you come

@Balmut: If the TV series were in the comic-world, he'd be a zombie due to his stump getting infected. I hope hope hope they do NOT make him become the Governor.

While I'm sure it's up in the air, and Kirkman can make it be what he wants it to be, the patently obvious answer to what was whispered is...

@dfp3050: Part of the process should be to take other scientists' concerns about the methodology and, taking them into account, perform the study again and see if the results are replicated. That's how you are supposed to perform science. Once you consistently get similar results, then it's time to call the press

We should only hope that Climate Science would be held to the same standards. No more science by press conference, no suppression of dissenting opinions or studies. Open debate should be encouraged, or it isn't the scientific method, and therefore isn't science.

@afrocoolbeans: No, Rick is from Kentucky. I doubt he'd know.

@Brangdon: 2-3 days of story time since Rick joined them. Since we haven't seen any of the preceding events, one could assume they've changed locations often right up until that point, or that the location of the camp has been safe and secure up until that point. I don't have a problem with characters being stupid in

@Brangdon: I don't know if that's really fair - there's only been two or three days elapsed in story-time. It's not beyond belief that they haven't moved camp until now.

@ChampionshipFacial: Kirkman says Daryl is his favorite character and he wishes he could go back in time and put him in the comic. I'd guess they'll treat him right.

@akacrash: I can't blame them at all for expanding on the story as much as they can. Everybody is waiting to see Michonne and the Governor story arc. Once that happens, interest is going to have peaked and we'll hear accusations of the show jumping the shark. Darabont needs to draw this out as long as he can before

There's a LOT of lead time here since they aren't airing until next October. Why keep people on salary that won't be working much? Darabont probably has 5 or 6 draft scripts out of 13 already on his desk ready for editing.

I've yet to find a dog that even comes close to the intelligence of the dumbest cat I've ever raised in my home. My latest critter will walk me over to the bowl of food he dislikes, pat it with his paw, pretend to retch, then walk me over to the cupboard where the other food is stored and tap on the door with his paw.