
This is an article???

@smackswell: You haven't had your government-mandated allotment of exercise today. Richard Simmons will be arriving at your door at 4:30 am for your compulsory "sweatin' with the oldies" session.

I've never read a Deadpool comic in my life and this sounds fun - as long as they PROMISE no sequels. Doing it twice would ruin it.

@teebear: Perhaps if Maldivians are so offended by foreigners, they shouldn't be making money from tourism. Or working for hotels. Let's face it, this guy was venting his bigotry because he thought he could get away with it. I hope he ends up begging for scraps in the gutter after he loses his job.

@swester: iPad is a middle-of-the-road device and very expensive. I want an inexpensive e-reader with a browser without paying for functions I don't want.

@jyknyc: The device's primary function is reading e-books, which makes it an e-reader. You can argue it's more than that, but you can't say it isn't an e-reader.

Since all I've ever wanted is a color e-Reader with a browser, this just might be what I'm looking for.

I knew the guy was a jerk the moment you mentioned he had an iPad.

The Host was the worst movie I've ever seen, period (although the creature was first-class). Why would anyone ever consider a sequel?

If there's going to be a new trilogy without Skywalkers, I think I'd rather it be set in the past rather than the future of the previous films.

Excellent. Iron Man's full plate would be just as advanced then as his tech armor is to current technology.

Anyone - Fringe was pre-empted by baseball last night, and I see it's scheduled to air on Saturday night at 11pm. Is that this week's episode that will be airing?

I'd like to see a cost breakdown of a printed book and how much of that goes to the author. I'd think if you take the author's cut and give a similar cut to the publisher, you could still price an e-book at $2 and make money.

Why is there a crosshair cursor on the front view picture (midpoint, R2's charging port)? Makes me think this is a photoshop.

The issue here is not his refusal of the full-body scanner. It's his refusal of the secondary screening afterwards. There's nothing new or unusual about a pat-down at security.

@Norseness: One of my pet peeves as well. I always think the your/you're mistake should result in the death penalty. Give people who can write but haven't gotten a break a chance to take the place of the offender.

Hmph. It should have been obvious to anyone that Gouffe' was murdered by Pluteaux.

Movies should only be remade if they had excellent potential, but were done badly the first time. Don't re-do a good movie.

@Merricat: Alton Brown would approve of your definition, I believe.