
Great. The Pantone cherry red looks orange on my screen. That photo had better be accurate, 'cause I'm adjusting my monitor now.

@o6untouchable: I'm kinda disappointed it's the Superman Returns costume in the box. I'd like to see a slightly modernized version with some real pants rather than the wrestling briefs & tights.

@Ivriniel: It isn't causing warming. Sorry. Carbon levels rise after temps rise, not the opposite. It's been proven several times but is commonly ignored because it's a lever to try to level the global economy. Carbon levels are effect, not cause. It's much more likely that sulphur compounds or methane are the culprit

@darkvstar857: Writer's license, I guess. I can almost buy the lack of spatter, etc, due to the use of the silencer or possibly Olivia choosing her ammo carefully. Dumping the corpse where blood can leak everywhere is just too dumb for her, though.

This would be a great idea if carbon emissions were actually the cause of global warming.

I was saying "Surely, Fauxlivia isn't stupid enough to shoot the guy in her own apartment, is she?" Bang. How the heck does she dispose of the body without someone seeing it?

@scootly: Been there, done that. It is nice. When I had my gastric bypass, they had to do that for me. I don't use my CPAP any more, and I hated it because of that damned hose.

@scootly: Off to Google to look up the ResMed Swift FX now.

If the fl02w headgear also works for CPAP machines, they've got a real winner there.

Whoa whoa...it has wifi, OK. Does it have a browser?

@Shortyg35: Fanboi. As long as you have to install apps from the AppStore and have zero ability to put your own data or programs on it without jailbreaking, it is limited. Uncover your eyes. iOS is an overextended cell phone OS, not a tablet OS.

Does it have bluetooth tethering?That's very important to me, since I am not going to pay for another 3G account and none of these tablet comparisons ever mention it. Any tablet I buy will tether to my phone or I won't be buying it.

iOS is not an advantage on a tablet. Right now, it's a wash because all the tablet competing tablet OSes are in their infancy. But in the future, iOS will be considered far too limited and restricted on the tablet.

Come on. Everybody knows this is the work of 4Chan.

@Settings: I don't think Bush or Blair are in charge any more.

@kinganad: Hey, they ask for us to help them correct these things, that's the point of the #corrections tag. Your sarcasm isn't appreciated.

@torgreed: It's actually pretty hard to find the old fashioned kind, and really hard to find the really old fashioned crank kind these days.

@A Pimp Named DaveR: Of course, I have to wonder, "just how much of an asshole was this guy's boss to drive him to such an extreme seeking revenge?"