
Whatever his reasons, the delays are hurting my enjoyment of the books. The delays publishing FFC caused me to forget what had come before, and when I finally read it, I was disappointed. Now, only the prospect of the TV series has brought me back. If I'm disappointed again, I'll likely forget I ever read these books.

@Bs Baldwin: Going on Sony's track record, yeah.

@brianbeatdown: Well, in this case, the chain is drastically shortened. Other than that, it looks cool.

@icelight: That's nice to say in theory, but judges won't stick to non-violent defenders when faced with overcrowded prisons. The guys getting bracelets down here are repeat offenders for armed robbery and such.

@Patrick Sanford: How about we punish the guilty a bit before giving them a vacation? Down here in Charlotte, when the new police chief took over, he said the statistics show that 80% of the crime in the city is committed by the same 1500 or so repeat offenders.

Since the current models are north of $150, I'd expect these new ones to be in the iPad price range. Bad Sony.

You only need to check the Charlotte Observer to see that ankle bracelets are a bad idea. Every week, some felon with a bracelet cuts it off and goes missing, then ends up killing somebody a month or two later.

@Møbius: Ah, but by the time ROTJ came out, the children that originally saw Star Wars had grown up and really wanted a bit more maturity in the Star Wars universe.

@CmdrHunt - Agent of Time Corps: Not to mention that with an unsettled ending, the world would have screamed for additional sequels and Lucas would have been obliged to make them, but less inclined to keep control of them as he was with the prequels.

@Malkyre: @Malkyre: That doesn't make his ship any faster, though. The Kessel run brag was in response to "Is she a fast ship?"

There's an existing iPhone app named iTV as well. I'm sure that's another issue.

Does this go in the other direction, where I can create marketing-speak from plain english? They'd have to call it "Suck It", though.

@TheNobleRobot: Deploying one of those slides is apparently a big deal.

@Nicolas Monnet: To each, his own. All Apple had to do to get me to pony up $499 to buy one is to have a SD port and a full OS. Unfortunately, they didn't, and I'm still looking for it.

@Starlionblue: I accidentally read them in reverse order...and I think it works better that way. It could be done as one film with flashbacks, or as two films.

I wish somebody would adapt Beowulf's Children for the big screen.

I someone gave me a power ring and told me I could do anything with it, but the costume would look like the CGI I've seen in photos so far...I'd give it back. No thanks.

@g1sm0: I bet it was a light beer.