
I think it's a tie between Green Lantern and the Legion of Super-Heroes for most-retconned comic ever.

No way. This will severely limit your ability to use Force Lightning.

@mjt308: This review was a beautiful creative writing assignment, but I've read it again and I still can't figure out what the real pros and cons are for this phone amidst the heaping amounts of drama. Maybe it would work better on i09.

@arebelyankee: No, you just happened to make an allusion and assumption about what phone I use, so I wanted to let you know so you could sleep better tonight. Unlike Steve Jobs, I care about people.

When the reviewer starts off maligning Android before he even gets to the phone review, you know there's a personality conflict going on. Useless and non-objective.

@arebelyankee: 1. For someone who doesn't care what others think, you are spending a lot of time explaning and arguing. 2. I have an - wait for it - iPhone 3GS.

@arebelyankee: If you don't have a problem, why care what critics say? It certainly seems like you are more concerned with how your phone appears to others, rather than how it functions for you. You've made my point.

"I-dosing involves donning headphones and listening to "music" - largely a droning noise - which the sites peddling the sounds promise will get you high."

This whole situation illustrates what Apple critics have been saying all along: Apple's all about appearances, not reality, and their user base will buy anything they put out with an Apple logo on it, regardless of quality or usefulness.

Jobs is going to announce a voluntary recall of all iPhone users' left hands. They will be replaced with non-conductive prosthetics within 6-8 weeks.

Is there any reason why she couldn't have the foundation of this mask permanently attached to her skull, then have skin grafted above it? If there's no musculature to worry with, I don't see the obstacle.

@SarasvatiMacaw: I think everybody is overestimating the first Predator movie, honestly. This one stacks up well with the original, and you shouldn't expect much in the way of plot.

@evilgooey: Royce figuring it out isn't such a leap. Topher Grace identifying a toxic plant in an alien jungle was a much more offensive leap.

@karamales: Some people have more conductive skin than others.

@heath: Will you still be able to say your reception is superior once the software update re-draws your signal indicator so it doesn't lie?

@ludwigk: The difference is that the 'magic spot' on phones differs, and the iPhone 4's happens to be (1) in a spot where the most common method of holding the phone touches it, and (2) is made much more serious in magnitude by the design of the antenna. These are complicated by (3) the state of denial that Apple is

@ZINO: It's supply and demand. Finding so many all at once drove the price down. He should have said he found a few hundred coins, sold them, then a year later found a few more hundred, etc.

Photocopy this letter and put it out on the 'net - quick!

@Post-Nuked: I only have a problem if someone's remaking something that was good to begin with. If something had potential, but was done badly previously, and enough time has elapsed, I say go for it.

@Meredith Woerner: I'm serious. You should edit the article. No disc, one arm.