
Belt sander. Unless you LIKE splinters in your ass.

The purpose of the update is not to fix the antenna problem. The purpose is to confuse the issue until the 30 day return period is over.

Agree. Clark's falling off a tall building without his powers, impaled on a Kryponite dagger. He's probably going to be visiting the afterlife and talking with his Dad.

I didn't like the first Superman movie all that much even as a kid. I liked the origin story, but the casting of Hackman as Lex and Margot Kidder as Lois just ruined it for me. The carryover of the philandering comedic Lex into all the other Superman movies has been a curse that keeps on cursing.

@1Grand_Marquis: They'd need to re-imagine the Riddler. A comedian in a green suit as a villain ain't going to work in Nolan's universe. Have him be a behind-the-scenes manipulator that leaves riddles and don't reveal his identity until the end of the movie.

So they've finally admitted to defrauding their entire customer base.

This is a classic example of "Stall until the early adopters are past the 30-day return period".

IIRC, the Jobsian email was a reply to an email sent to Apple support, correct? So if it wasn't Steve-O, it had to be someone at Apple impersonating him, right?

Can somebody make a non-connected 7-inch eReader for $50, please? You want to sell one to everybody, you need to hit that price point.

@khdownes: Lucasfilms makes LIGHTSABERS??? Where can I buy one?

I just created a scheduled task to run [shutdown.exe] /h at 2am every day. But that's just me, I guess.

Wouldn't it be easier just to bend the windshield wipers up at the handy-dandy hinge to keep them off the windshield? That's what they do in hot countries to keep them from melting.

I've been using this trick as therapy for my not-even-close-to-sweatproof Motorola bluetooth headphones.