Joe Blough

This doesn't sound like it will be in any way toxic...

If I assaulted a co-worker at a meeting or party, I’m pretty sure I’d be hustled out of there and likely fired.

Time to build me some pyramids!

How much does one get paid to write an article that an editor titles “10 Games that...” and you just fill it in with ten stuff?

For the same reason, I can't support JK Rowling. How could a muggle write about the experiences of wizards??

So if a black writer wrote that crap, somehow it would be different?

The complaints about Pratt here remind me of the rabid Teen Titans fanbois complaining about Teen Titan Go!

And sometimes, people just die. I'm saying that as a simple statement of fact and not to belittle any person or situation

I have no idea why people choose to compare this to Rick and Morty or Futurama. Why not compare it to the animated Lord of the Rings (1978) or the animated Star Trek series? Final Space was never meant to be a comedy, in my opinion (I never really laughed much), nor was Gary intended to be a model hero. He IS an idiot

I'm curious what you think "interesting" and "neat" mean...

Absolutely! Your Salien badge is so much more life affirming! You've accomplished so much with it!

Bought this on Steam and play it everyday now. Uninspired Fallout IV and XCom 2 are sitting on my computer (~$80 each) but I much prefer playing Stardew Valley ($17).