
You’re joking, right? He has utterly failed at each of his last seven jobs, including three different national teams. Remember how awful his Mexico teams were?

Hi Bruce, congrats on the new gig

Eriksson bombed out of his last two international gigs (Mexico and Ivory Coast) and just got fired in the Chinese league. Whatever continental nous he may have had, he lost a while ago.

I thought Deadspin would be excited about the decision. Finally an American sports team is going to reuse an old Arena.

Your username is very relevant to this conversation.

Make America(n soccer) Great Again Continually Mediocre

Ask Landon Donovan, who’s already flipping thru the German dictionary for a word to describe his reaction to this news.

That was such a quick, lighting-like strike. If only there was a German word for it.

He should be able to get a job in the Trump administration pretty easily.

Wow, trump really is returning all these jobs that immigrants stole back to americans.

Guy who has Kevin Durant on his team complaining about uncalled travels?

You’re honestly looking for an angle to criticize someone being happy?

First thought, no snark, he’s in deep with Scientology or the like.

He didn’t attend his grandfather’s funeral—the same grandfather he once called before every game.

Better yet, his girlfriend is Xenu.

So much this. I saw a parent post on a site:

You can see Deadspin’s direct traffic here. We get between 10 million to 15 million uniques a month, generally.

DoD only has like 3 wins its last 5 fights. Only 2 KOs. Floyd is undefeated.

Can we get a female perspective on this? Is it worse to beat women or grope women?