
but he has every right to? he (probably purposely) lives in a neighborhood with no HOA for the very reason of being able to do this. it’s a trailer.

I’ll bite - what makes this guy a dickhole?

It’s a clean, white trailer. What the fuck are people so upset about? They should be so lucky that he doesn’t paint a giant mural of that Trump racing truck on the side of it now. Would the prefer some crusty old Winnebago instead? The audacity that people think they can tell someone else what to do with their own

The greatest trick that I can not figure out how it’s done is how the republican party keeps tricking America that it’s going to do anything for people beyond the top 1%.

I guess that also explains why Drake and Steph are about half as freaked out as Chappelle.

Woulda been way better if he regurgitated Meek Mills

Not the first frog spit back.

No mention of Ashy Larry?

The best magic trick was unashing Ashy Larry.

Pretty wild that Stormfront can’t find a single fucking grammar nazi.

Because it’s ok then? What a fucking tool you are!

The hijabs cancel out. I learned that in my Muslim Math 101 class at Trump University.

I’m trying to figure out the logical end of this thought that isn’t “it’s okay to withhold the rights of a person in hijab if it’s by another person in hijab.”

I feel like the difference is that Nic Cage may be in on the joke. Like, he knows he is a terrible actor, his best movie was made over 20 years ago (holy shit I’m old) and he understands he owes his career to his uncle Frankie. But Marky Mark truly believes he is an ACTOR and is making VERY IMPORTANT ACTING MOVIES

Here’s an excerpt from the script:

He takes me out of every single movie he is in.. He’s lowkey Nic Cage. This goofy mother fucker’s acting is so bad he somehow made me miss Shia LaBeouf in the last Transformers movie

Actually I was surprised how little hostility there was after the game. Maybe a little jawing, but jerseys were exchanged and they left the pitch at the same time almost.

Your grammar is pathetic.

I’m an American, born and raised; I have never lived anywhere else in my life but the USA, and have rooted for the USMNT for as long as I can remember.