
I look forward to the backlash against him about how he is against veterans and the armed forces, despite his clarification on why he is sitting.

Call me when McGregor risks his career for his beliefs. He’s not like Ali at all in that regard. His political beliefs were part of his persona. (yes I read the entire comment.)

Just say it’s because he’s white. You know you want to

Be honest, it’s because he’s white. His brashness doesn’t offend you, but maybe Floyd does...

Did anyone make a joke yet about how mexico clearly sent their best people?

Good. We deserve it for being the biggest, fucking assholes in the entire god, damn planet. Fuck us, so fucking hard.

I can’t wait until January. This will not happen in Trump’s America, no more losing to the Mexicans.

Mexico 1

It’s going to be a rough qualifying if Donald Trump is correct and Mexico isn’t even sending us their best people.

So much for Trump defending us from Mexico. Even Bush was able to protect us for 10 months after being elected.

We absolutely deserved that.

So, this is a really interesting topic of discussion! And you’re going to get a way longer response than you want, which you probably won’t bother to read, but here I go ...

I saw one of these idiots on local St. Louis TV as Trump’s lead started to grow. The talking head jammed the microphone in the face of a giddy Trump supporter. This dunce could barely string together a coherent response. She - yes, SHE - mumbled something about “he tells it like it is.” The reporter pressed her,

Yep. Over the last few months I’ve realized through facebook posts that most of the Trump supporters are the idiots who didn’t pay attention in class.

Sadly, news networks are worried that if they continue to provide news negative of Donald Chump, they’d lose access to him. They’ll kiss his ass and suck his cock if it means being able to report from within the White House.

They really aren’t any different than the people in the back of the class in middle school. Always being disruptive and hating authority. Come to think of it, those people never evolved past that.

This is why Trump won. We got tired of people like this calling us dumb so we decided to show them how dumb we really are.

It’s really nice to hear privileged people acknowledge and own their privilege, and make an effort to see things from other, less privileged viewpoints.